Alfred Castillo
Mustard Seedling/Founder

The mustard seed has been planted and transformed into a seedling. My life’s dedication is to continue to watch it grow, giving glory to God and empowering others to do the same.

Michelle Castillo
Chief Green Thumb

My better half. Lovingly tending to our garden, giving us fertile ground to grow strong deep roots with care and devotion. Through our struggles and triumphs I have found God.

Abigail and Amelia
Young Sprouts

My children. Terrified me with the responsibility of becoming a father, but also became mirrors for me to reflect on and see the Father’s desires for us along this incredible journey.

Guillermo Castillo
Guardian Angel

My mentally handicapped brother. Experiencing life with him, I developed a deep sense of empathy. Realizing my responsibility to him, gave me the drive to push hard for us both, long before I became a husband or father. He is the angel to the garden I am building.